Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Life goes on...

I finally got past my screenwriting class! Today was to recite to the class the first 2-3 scenes from our screenplay, which is the final work for the class.

I spent one hour on it this afternoon to write it and actually got it done thanks to my lamest pal online! Here's the crux....It's so freakin lame...

Damn! I have to top the tank up! And my mom said she’s not gonna reimburse me!

Haha loser!


Malaysia! Here we come!

Malaysia, truly Asia (imitating the tourism ad for Malaysia)

Heh heh I hope there’re lotsa hot chicks in Malaysia,

Oh yeah! But they can’t be hotter than gum! Pun unintended!

Heh heh you’ll change your mind when you see…

(Car drives past a roadside store selling fried chicken)

After I recited the last line...I could not hear any I said...wait you didnt get it...ok...I said 'there're lotsa hot chicks in Malaysia and then the car drives past a roadside store selling fried chicken' ....the reaction was the same...ominous silence....many smiles though....maybe they were tryin to supress their laughter =)

So, the course was wrapped prof again sharing his jokes thru the class...2 of which he had told before...reminding us that he's the guy who never got out of college!

"So where do you go from this course?" He asks the comes to my turn to answer.

"Life goes on..."


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