Friday, July 14, 2006


Objective: To seek out the peculiarities in life and how anxiously we attempt to resolve it (to hide it or to show it?).

Tom and Jane are the most common looking people in town. Their peculiarities are revealed when Jane bumped into Tom one day.

Jane is rushing for work after her lunch, holding a huge bag and a pile of document. She knocks into Tom who is standing in the middle of Washington Square, waiting for his friend to come. Her bag drops, scattering the contents and her pile of document sent flying all over.

Jane attempts to recover the mess frantically. Tom is apologetic for being implicated by Jane’s clumsiness. He tries to help but Jane is perturbed. She is anxious not to let Tom notice the items she has in her bag: a make-up kit (vanity), Chinese fan (modern vs. traditional), a slab of pill (weakness), admirer’s note (girlish charm), men’s briefs (sexuality and confusion)!

So Jane keeps Tom away and Tom stands aside to observe. He is starting to get amused. It is not only by Jane’s comical attempt to keep her mess but also, he has noticed the items that had fallen out.

Tom attempts to help again out of his kindness. He picks up a paper bag but Jane pulls it away from him, only to spill out men’s briefs from it. Jane is now greatly embarrassed but Tom becomes more amused. He smiles as he started folding the briefs neatly into a pile as Jane continues with clearing up her mess.

Jane finally recovered herself but only to find Tom folding her briefs meticulously. She snatches it away and gives Tom a tight slap before storming away.

Tom is unfazed as he smiles to himself with satisfaction. His friend finally arrives. They embraced, holding hands as they walked off.


Firstly, my planning was not efficient enough. I had planned to shoot at Washington square but I do not know the exact spot, hence I wasted time finding the location. Then, my actress and I were the only ones who turned up on time. My crew turned up late and my actor decided not to come due to work commitment and I felt sorry for my actress since she is a semi-professional actress who is willing to do the shoot for me even though we have never met before. So, I managed to find an actor from the location at random and my crew was able to set up the shoot in time. Thus, I was happy to resolve the initial problems quickly even before the shoot.

Then, I faced a second failure. I decided not to shoot the original establishing scenes from my storyboard when one of my crew gave me her comment and that I was discouraged by my first screening. I ended up regretting for not trying when I first saw the film in the editing room. I will attempt to resolve the conflict between my creativity and the reality by reaching a point of mediation when writing future scripts, and of course, I will grow from this with greater self-belief.

Overall, I do not feel satisfied with regards to my film because there is much exaggeration in the acting by the actor; there are too many exposure problems because my actress’s skin tone and shirt was many stops away from the actor and the environment. The intensity of sunlight kept on changing and I felt that I was at the mercy of the environment, and that my actor and actress had to suffer under the heat. I would prefer to choose a shady area to shoot a similar film in future. My film technique is still shaky and I would like to make a tremendous improvement. My intended effect of showing metaphors is lost due to this failure. Hence, I do not feel comfortable with the humor since its intended meaning is lost in my filming. I would also like to see myself overcoming the inconvenience of the cast and the environment by devising each detail to good cinematography.

The success of my film would be in the clarity of story-telling and its fair attempt at humor. I particularly like my actress’s performance in the film, and also her professionalism. I hope I have generated a fair amount of laughter in the entertainment of the audience.

Class Verdict: Hilarious, good twist at the end! Good casting!

It was well-received! Everyone had a good laugh. I was slightly surprised since I am rather unconfident before the screening. What an irony! It was the reverse for my first film. I thought it was great but the audience thought it was thrash. Now I think it's thrash and the audience think it's great. At least I am more confident about my future films now. The audience has certainly given me a sense of satisfaction to my production.


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