I Shot my 1ST Film!

Alrite...that's kinda making a loop...haha...I do have to make 2 loops as big as possible when loading film...hurhur...
I did it!
I have shot a film!
Nesting proudly by the side are my most endearing, highly prized completed films. The first of my very first!
Erm...black and white...silent...
Let me share the experience...
Making film is the most exciting, yet excrutiating. Firstly, there is a fair amount of equipment that is required and carried around. There is the physical labour involved. Then, there is the people handling. There has to be leadership from being the director. A great deal a communication to get what you want. There is often working with people you do not know...people that you approach from the streets to act for you. Then, there is the art direction. What I mean is the fair amount of scriptwriting that is to be constructed in the scene as much as it is meant to be. The emotions that you want to evoke is often practically impossible. It depends on how powerful you are, how determined you are, how techinically proficient you are. This is a great deal a capability involved. Then there is the environment. For exterior shooting, there is little control. There is a great deal that we cannot control for the force of nature. The sunlight goes out, the sunlight comes in: you have to change the exposure accordingly. As you shoot, some funny guy walks into your scene and shows off his/her big buttocks, or this homeless shit comes and asks you for money or he'll destroy your beautiful shot with his ugly unkempt face.
All these I had to conquer today, for how many minutes of footage?? Less than 6 minutes!
Hence, my admiration for artists. On top of being talented and creative, the artist is often proficient is his art. He is proficient in the medium that he performs his art. He is able to express himself technically, while he thrives on his talent.
My controversial example of a good artist is that of a good conversationalist. He converts his thoughts instantaneuosly to beautiful, flowery language, to evoke to his audience his experience, often alluring and sometimes beguiling. Therefore, it is the art while not many people consent to it as a victim as they consent to their general popularity. I have failed in this art and often will remain as a bewildered admirer.
Thus, my aspiration.

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