Wednesday, June 28, 2006

FILM School: Day One

Jetlagged, Slightly homesick.

Woke up at 7:30.

You’ve got that right…school is 9am-6pm Monday to Friday for ‘Beginning Film Production’ and up to 9pm on Wednesday for ‘Writing for the Screen’.

I walked into my assigned classroom. Many friendly-looking people, couple of pretty looking Asian girls and one who sat beside me…this has to be the right class.

“Sorry if I slaughtered your name. But please acknowledge if your name is called.”

And the lecturer went, as he had started out, slaughtered all the Asian names…I was only waiting for my turn…but it was not to be…

“Sorry if I killed off your name…” Another professor came in and started doing the row call all over again. They have an interesting of starting off attendance-taking.

Still, my name was not to be slaughtered…or killed off…

Turned out that I’m in another class…damn! My real class had no pretty Asian girls and for the first time, I wished my name had been slaughtered.

My professor in prof. Lindbergh. Young, energetic, really cool teacher, script supervisor in profession. She gave a great introduction, bouncing away in zeal. She was all the reason film school would be worth it. Lovely, lovely.

First screening: 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick
Primal apes jumping around, screeching, fighting for food, ended up with the ape discovering a stick of bone. Ape finds weapon, finds triumph against the pig-looking animal that was to be food. Well, that was only part of it…and you have to read the book…I was told…

“You are the monkeys,” declared prof Lingbergh.

“All of you started out not knowing much the course. You are going to discover for yourself and pick up the bones. You will fight it out and find success.” She goes passionately.

The rest of the day: technical lesson. The professor is a small, likeable professor who could not do away with his Russian accent after 20 years at NYU.

“ Zee video camaa-ra can be variable speedt or constant speedt. Zee variable speedt camaa-ra will have a tachometer. The rEE-O-staRt control the camaa-ra speedd”

My failed attempt to convey his likeable way of speaking…


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