Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Devil Wear Prada

Nice movie...I actually like it!

In fact, I empathize very much with the story. I see it as, a group of friends who chose different paths in life. There was a short introduction to them, to which they end declaring,"To which pays the bill" and they toast. The story follows one of her journey -Anne Hathaway plays the character.

She oozes lots of charm, the smart and pretty girl just out of college, got the job every girl wanted as the assistant to the Runway magazine's editor-in-chief. She had the chance to meet the most famous people in the fashion world and get whatever dream job she had wanted after a year. But there's a catch, to which the movie gets its title, that is to work under Meryl Streep's unkind and ruthless character. The movie thrills when Anne Hathaway's character uses her wit to do the impossible 'the devil' tasks on her. It is even more thrilling to see Anne Hathaway in the fabulous set of wardrobe that she dons in every other scene.

The story so follows the unrelenting story of Anne Hathaway's character fighting her way in what she aspires to be. While she is well-rewarded, she starts to get confused after all the transformation she had set out. She starts to see the bigger picture after she had been engulfed and swallowed by the micro-problems that she had to run day-to-day. In the end, she abandoned the job. She chose life. She remembered that her life was not ever involved in the materialistic struggle to success. She took control of her own.

There could be an understated character in the bald, gayish fashion assistant to Meryl Streep's character. He is fabulous in what he does, yet he is humble, his feet firmly rooted to the ground. He offers advice to Anne Hathaway's character, he is her guardian angel in fact! He has, in all his capacity, to be successful, but he is mild, loses out in the power struggle, he follows life. In all this, he is very much likeable!

The movie delivers soft strokes on life with a huge and glamourous theme. It shows very much of New York, and then later of Paris, showing credence in the beauty of these cities, especially with fashion as the theme. There is love, there is glitz, there is meaning in midst of the glam and glitter -what more to ask for? I'm glad I've seen it in Singapore, not while I was in New York. It certainly brings back lots of memories.

The movie is funny.

That's all.


Blogger Shen Cong said...


I haven't caught the show yet! arrgh. haha.

Anyway, see you back in London!


8:59 AM  

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