Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Excuse me, Where is the ATM?

I met a crazy woman yesterday.

Walking into a 7-11, I asked the cashier where is the nearest ATM.

Before she could answer...a crazy woman in jogging outfit said,' She's new here. HAhahahahahAHa...'

The cashier then gave me the direction. As I turned to the crazy woman, she was already gone. So I stepped out of the shop, caught a glimpse of the crazy woman speeding off round the corner...

Friday, June 22, 2007



Black. Glass crashing...flickers to dim setting of man sweeping glasse, cans, bottles off the tabletop in a frenzied attempt as he loses his strength, sliding off and and leaning against the cupboard and quick fade to dark...quick fade in to constant flickering light...the floor was already a bloody mess...and the man thrusts a shard of glass into his arm, pierces through the flesh, the tissue, veins, arteries carrying the warmth of his lifeform...pain to cure his sorrow, angst, despondence, disillusion...flickering light reveals the expanding pool of red viscosity...in a decrescendo, the light fails for darkness and for his life.

Credits, music (piano). White screen, distant single tree bearing of golden zest and esprit. Camera roves in slightly to stop. Man enters and strolls, discovering the conglomeration of sunshine, sparkles, tone of brilliance. He walks, through the space splendid brilliance, through his space of emptiness, wanders through his unoccupied mind.

Where am I? Why is this dazzle, briliiance...

Comes a man in equally brilliance. Come my friend, you are of the free, the separation of the feeble, the embrace of light, happiness. In Heaven.

Man enters a paradise of happiness after he severes himself from the shackles of life. He is, a matter of fact, in a new world of only joy, and joyfulness. The man who welcomes him, shows him into more of this world, where 2007 years ago, all man worked an extra harder, and worked in concert with no conflict or separation in a precedence, created ideas, solutions, works that translated into machines that last a lifetime, producing abundance, supply of what anyone can ask for, an infinity of supply to an infinite want. It became no hunger, no greed, there becomes satisfaction, peace, Utopia.

Man transits into this, world of paradise, bears the joy of whom that exists to share this happiness in this infinity. Small, side stories of man exposed to this abundance of joy.

So then, it struck on him, on his existence, of the past that he severed to his present ecstasy. He remembers his sorrow, his disappointed self, the loves he had failed. He is to feel sorrow for the first time in this world but was not to occur as he could not tear. He feels a detached reference to the history and feels happiness in this paradise. After all, he has everything he has wanted, friendship, love, materials, he feels happy, or happiness, or a detached nothing, or to happiness.

He stays in the heaven of goodness. He asks fellow Men, and women, of the joy, and they share.

Then one day, he stops, he asks, he considers... there is no sorrow without happiness, no warmth without cold, no weak without bold, no sun without moon, no hate without love... ...

This is an infinity of the null in this infinity. The relevation is not in this world, this heaven, Utopia. There was the conjuring of his life, his sorrow, his misery, his cold, the darkness, the unmoving, the hated. So much was for the experience of his joy, warmth, sunshine, butterflies, love. Came a drop of tear from the slide of the eye.

The dim, the evolution, the birth, born into the world, the first cry, in the cuddle of parentage, familial love, angst of growing, first kiss, sexual ecstasy, first million, greed, non-satiation, hurt, sorrow. Man is back, his unchanged perception, in the pool of red viscosity, he cuts himself again...fade to dark.
